Long Term Maintenance Plans | LTMP | Plan Heaven

About Plan Heaven

Plan Heaven is a cloud based software application designed to help bodies corporate more easily maintain their long-term maintenance plans.

The founder and driving force behind Plan Heaven is John Bradley, who has wide business and management experience in several industries at CEO level. In recent times he has been the owner and manager of Body Corporate Management Group Ltd (BCMG), which operates a body corporate management company, (Village Body Corporate Ltd) and a long-term maintenance plan building company (10 Year Plans Ltd). Plan Heaven Ltd is also a subsidiary of BCMG.

After being actively involved in the front line of the body corporate management industry, preparing and attempting to work with existing long-term plans, it became apparent to John that the options currently available were either too costly, too time consuming, ineffective, irrelevant, difficult to maintain, non compliant or a combination of all the above.

Plan Heaven is an attempt to overcome all of those problems.

“After a year of planning and development from concept to first release, it gave me great satisfaction to see Plan Heaven in use and operating as it was intended. The initial release was in August 2015 and since then have released many upgrades based on feedback from users. We are continuing to add additonal features and expect that ongoing improvement and development will continue for some time. Meanwhile we welcome your feedback and don’t hesitate to contact me directly, if you have ideas about how we can make it better.”

John Bradley MBA Dip Dairy Tech

021 722 786 or john at plan heaven

Latest release V1.3.7 14 Jan 2016