

Joining Plan Heaven as a User

  1. It costs nothing to join

    It costs nothing for a user to join Plan Heaven and after you have joined you don't actually have to do anything if you don't want to. However, each body corporate does have to pay to use Plan Heaven.  Use this form if you would like us to provide you with a quote.

  2. You must be a user to view a body corporate account

    You must be a verified user before you can view a body corporate's account. You can also view as many BC accounts as you wish, providing each body corporate's Primary Administrator has granted you access - or you created the body corporate account yourself.  Find our more here about Administrators.

  3. You must be a user to create a body corporate account

    Once you are a verified user, you can also create an account for a body coroporate - or as many BC's as you wish - which is useful if you are a professional body corporate manager.

  4. If you create the body corporate account yourself

    If you create the body corporate account yourself, you will automatically become the plan's Primary Administrator and will be the only person who can edit the plan until you appoint another user as an Administrator.  There can be many Administrators but only one Primary Administrators.   Find our more here about Administrators.

  5. How you become verified

    After you have completed the join form and accepted the terms and conditions of use, click on the submit button and we will send an email to the email address you entered in the join form. When you get that email, you should click on the link in the email body. That link will take you back to the Plan Heaven website where you will be asked to complete the joining process.

  6. If you start with a trial

    Please note that trial accounts are no longer available.

  7. Changing email address

    Once you have become a verified user, you will be able to change your email address and/or your password as often as you like. While we heavily encrypt your password before storing it, we recommend changing your password frequently, that you use reasonably long (eight characters or more) and complex passwords and don't use a password you use in other websites, particularly those you use to access your bank accounts.

  8. Viewing a body corporate account once you have joined

    Once you have become a verified user, if you would like to have access to a body corporate's account, you will need to contact the administrator of that body corporate account and request access. If you click on the button "Request access to an existing body corporate account" and follow the prompts and an email will be sent to the Administrator with your request.

    Once you have been granted access, you will need to log back in again to view the body corporate's LTMP. Find out more about adding a user to a BC here.

  9. Deleting yourself as a user

    Currently a user is unable to delete themselves. However, if you want to have your user account deleted contact Plan Heaven and one of our administrators will do this for you.

If you have any feedback or questions please use the feedback form.

The Plan Heaven team.

Disclaimer. Plan Heaven is not qualified in law and any comments made on this website are only the opinion of Plan Heaven and should not be regarded as legal advice. Our comments are merely providing some thoughts on how the legislation might be interpreted and how we go about attempting to meet its requirements. You should not rely on this information in isolation and do you own homework and at all times if you wish to be sure of your position relating to legal matters you should seek advice from a suitably qualified lawyer.