Our investment in the Plan Heaven app
We made the investment required to build the Plan Heaven app to achieve low-cost updating of long-term maintenance plans. We must also continue investing in upgrades and maintaining each property owner's data.
This required us to think about our pricing, and we chose to use the model in common use with SAAS (software as a service) businesses such as the online accounting provider Xero, online schools such as LinkedIn Learning and software companies such as Microsoft and Adobe.
How the subscription model works
1. It brings benefits to the client
The subscription model has many benefits and gives clients a lot of flexibility. While at Plan Heaven, we offer planning services; clients can use whoever they like to create and update their plans, include as much data in their plan as they want, update their plan as often as they like and have as many administrators as they like.
But if you would like us to carry out an update under the SAAS model once your LTMP has been set up, it doesn't take us as long - and therefore cost you as much - to update it. Under our current pricing plans, our fee for updating a Comprehensive plan is 50% of the cost of a setup.
2. Every property owner needs to pay the subscription for each property every year
The subscription is payable every year. It's just that sometimes it's included as part of another service you might have ordered and paid for. For example, if you ask us at Plan Heaven to set up your LTMP, the annual subscription is included in our fee. It is the same with any update and setting up a Health and Safety plan.
3. What does it cost?
From February 2023, there are two options for subscriptions: We call them "Standard" and "Rolling Updates". From February 2023, we also changed our fee pricing model to give better transparency and consistency to our fee structure. Within this new fee structure, the Standard Subscription is priced at 5% of the cost of a full setup of a Comprehensive LTMP for a development with the same number of units and the Rolling Update Subscription is priced at 10%. (Note there are minimum fees of $140 plus GST for Standard and $280 plus GST for Rolling). We don't publish our full setup fee online, but it does have a consistent structure based on the size of a Body Corporate, and we can give you a quote at any time. For other property owners, the percentages are the same.
Find out more about Standard and Rolling Update subscriptions.
4. What if I don't want to maintain the account?
It's the property owner's choice whether or not they want to maintain their account in Plan Heaven. If they don't want to pay the annual subscription in any one year, we will close the account, and online access will no longer be available. If the owner wants to open their account again, an account reopening fee will be payable, but we cannot guarantee the old data will be available.
To find out more, contact us or use this quote request form.
Last updated 2 February 2023 by John Bradley.
If you have any feedback or questions please use the feedback form.
The Plan Heaven team.
Disclaimer. Plan Heaven is not qualified in law and any comments made on this website are only the opinion of Plan Heaven and should not be regarded as legal advice. Our comments are merely providing some thoughts on how the legislation might be interpreted and how we go about attempting to meet its requirements. You should not rely on this information in isolation and do you own homework and at all times if you wish to be sure of your position relating to legal matters you should seek advice from a suitably qualified lawyer.